Kenya Nyeri Chinga AA Washed

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Kenya Nyeri Chinga AA

PRODUCER: Othaya Farmer's Cooperative Society (FCS)
REGION: Chinga, Othaya, Nyeri
ALTITUDE: 1700-1800 meters
VARIETY: Bourbon Types -  SL-28, SL-34, Ruiru-11
DRYING METHOD: Raised Bed Sun-Dried
FLAVOR NOTES: Mandarin, Spiced Darjeeling Tea, Hibiscus

Othaya Farmer's Cooperative Society (FCS) includes an impressive amount of wet mills, 18 in all, dating back to the late 1950s. Chinga Factory was the second mill to be developed under Othaya umbrella in 1960. "Factories" are essentially small washing stations aligned with a particular "society" in Kenya, what we would call a "cooperative". It is one of the older Kenya FCS, producing consistently high-quality lots. 

Kenyan coffee is graded by screen size. The grades range from E (Elephant Bean), PB (peaberry), AA, AB, C, and other subsequent lower grades. This lot is a highly sought-after Kenya AA, purchased direct by the importer instead of by auction, so the exact lot could be guaranteed.

Chinga's dry fragrance has a layered sweetness of raw sugars and citrus fruits, with dusky notes of dark tea, and spices. In the wet aroma, the sweetness takes shape as lemonade sweetened with brown sugar, plum candy, and an almond syrup note. It is not overly acidic and citric per se, but refreshing, and tart, like hibiscus tea.

Kenyan Coffee Beans

Although Kenya and Ethiopia share a border, their coffee histories have little in common. French missionaries introduced coffee to Kenya in 1893. Coffee production expanded mainly on large estates. Green coffee from Kenya could only be traded through the national auction until 2006 when new legislation made it possible for producers to sell directly to buyers.

Kenyan coffee production has upheld quality and consistency throughout the years with detail-oriented management at the washing stations. Over 600,000 smallholder farmers nationwide are organized into Farmer Cooperative Societies (FCS) that oversee traceability and quality control for its membership body.


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